Friday, July 10, 2009

I Love Dance

I had a day to myself on the Saturday before Phil arrived so I decided to see the local ballet company called the Victor Ullate Ballet Comapany, they had a showing of all choreography created by their director.  The 6 pieces were based upon classic ballet fundamentals but had modern movement and interpretation.  It was truly fantastic! What was also very unique and consistent was the type of dances that have been chosen to represent this company.  All of the dancers, male and female, were very strong and defined, not grossly muscular but very prominent definition.  The females were not soft and dainty as some ballet dancers, and the males were some of the tallest ballet dancers I have ever seen (one had to be at least Phil’s height).  Despite this different variety, each was incredibly talented and beautiful; even though they were strong and carried such a presence the movement was complimentary and showed off the body as a piece of art itself.  Once piece in particular that was simply amazing was in the final where the dancers ended up in leotards and body suits in a nude color.  The lighting was not too bright so it seemed that the dancers were nude but without the exposure of body parts.  As I mentioned, each dancer was fairly defined, and the choice of a nude bodysuit amplified the creativity of the movement and the celebration of the human body.  Mixing point and classic ballet variations to modern jerky movement it was truly a blend of the classic and new to bring forth the vision of the director.  If you are interested in his work, look him up online, I haven’t had the chance yet but if I find a link I will post it.

Some friends and I decided to see another flamenco show, this time with a  dinner included…well so we thought.  There are many dinner/show places in Madrid, and the Casa de las Patas was recommended by my Spanish teacher.  A friend called ahead to make sure it was a package and she was reassured it was.  When we arrived to the restaurant we were seated right next to the stage and the our eyes were level with the stage (thus looking up a little to the dancers).  However, when we looked at the menu dinner was not included with the show and the show was already $25.  We were a little nervous because the menu was ridiculously expensive…Phil and I shared a half a bottle of wine and a small appetizer.  Despite the attack on our wallet I would have paid 100 more euro for the dancing we saw.  Two guitarists, four flamenco singers (including one female) and nine dancers graced the stage with a passion and talent that was hard to internalize.  Three of the female dancers were I older and experienced and another was a younger girl of apprentice level, however all of them despite “putting on a show” truly exuded the flair and passion that is typical of a flamenco dancer.  It reminds me of Zembekiko of the Greek culture where it is used as a means of expression for feelings and emotions…these women had the same.  There were some songs that were sad and the angst within their faces was as if their heart was just broken…you couldn’t help but cry too.  What was fantastic was that each dancer was different from the other in style and skill level…one woman was great at fast turns while stomping her feet, the younger girl was very expressive and stunning, the other could do amazing sequences minutes at a time without breaking a sweat…and the last woman to dance…words cannot describe.  She was androgynous looking because of her very strong features, but she was very beautiful at the same time.  She played on this look of hers and danced a finale in a male costume, which was similar to a matador.  Her entire body was solid and she commanded attention…you could not peel your eyes away from her.  Anyway, her sequence of movement, steps, stomps and variation lasted at least 15 min…the sweat was pouring down her face but she was still so beautiful.  I took so much video of her so I will post that too.  Anyway, the show lasted over two hours and by the time we left my ears were ringing and my heart was pounding from the intensity of it all…I felt like I had been dancing for two hours!  Oh and worth mentioning, the same dancers put on the same show 15 min later for another group of guests and another 2 hours.  After that show I was thoroughly convinced I need to start learning Flamenco.       

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