Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Pura Vida - Manuel Antonio

So the first segment of the costa rica adventure....I'm here in manuel antonio, which is a three hour drive from San Jose airport, with phils family. We have been staying in a rented villa, since there is w total of 8 of us, that sits on the hillside in the vegetation overlooking the beach and natural forest reserve. Every day consists of incredible eating with tons of fresh seafood prepared by the in house chef, a 22 year old costa rican with incredible talent. He is great an none of us can get enough of the fresh fruit and seafood. Each day we usuall hit up the beach for some ocean swimming and head back to he house, about 5 min taxi drive or 20 min walk, to have lunch, swim in the pool and take a nap. Dinner is usUally at 7 so we read or chat after our nap till then. One day we did a ziplining tour where we did 10 ziplines, one Tarzan swing (exactly how it sounds), and two repels down trees. The thrill and the rush of flying through the trees is unlike anything else and u would never believe how high u r because u cannot see the bottom floor. Another day we went on a guided hike through the natural preserve where we saw sloths, an incredile amount of white faced monkeys, lizards, and leaf cutter ants that have incredible strength. We came acros a pack of monkeys that were literally two feet away from me playing and going nuts, stealing cookies from tourists it was fantastic. I have videos of it to post when I come home. Everything has been wonderful so far, 5 days has felt like two weeks! Except for the massive cockroach I found in my room or the scorpion jeff found in his shorts in his room. Sort of nervous for the bug situation at the next place, you can look up the website by searching for Bosque del Cabo. We depart from here tomorrow and will be at the Eco lodge for 5 nights after which we check out zancudo for the remaining time, then I meet eve in the Dominican to see Stacie! Anyway that is the scoop thus far I will try to write at the next place!!!! Also last night we experience a crazy thunderstorm! The lightening was lighting the whole sky evey 5 seconds and when the storm was over our place it sounded like a nuclear war! It wasnt necessarily scary but our nerves were on edge for about 2 hours! And the sweltering heat kicked in after the power went out! Ok thumbs hurt Now from writing on the iPhone love to u all!

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