Wednesday, January 2, 2013

South Africa Day 17

Truthfully i lost track if the days, but i am now in Cape Town with Riana touring around the southern part of the county. Its much better here than joburg.

Camp was incredible, i felt every emotion in 10 days....i learned many beautiful things about black african culture, made some incredible new friends, brothers and sisters i never dreamed of meeting and also was exposed to some awful things that happen in our world.  Going to this camp was one of the best things i have ever done for myself, it has forever hanged my perspectives and reaffirmed others.  

I wont go into too much detail now as typing on an iphone is hard, but i will close with this: everyone has a purpose in this life, some have it easier than others, some are much stronger because of their suffering, some wont get opportunities like others, some will never find their purpose. May we always be grateful for what we have in our lives...for basic needs like shelter food and a job...may we (us in the US) be grateful that we know where our next meal is coming from and we have people who love us.  We are all human, we are all the same whether from nevada or south africa.   May we always seek to learn more about our world and how we can make it better and not live passively in our own realities.  

I can wait to share with all if you all the beautiful things i learned and experienced.  See you all in a few days.

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