Wednesday, January 2, 2013

South Africa Day 2

Today we spent the day touring organic markets, all fancy and driven by white south african customers.  Also saw some of the "squatter" areas where immigrants from the rest of Africa have settled.  Now we are at Rianas girlfriends house having a "braai" which is SA for a potluck BBQ.  THey love to bbq here, especially lamb.  So we bought lamb chops and I covered them in lemon, oregano and salt/pepper.
Tomorrow we are going to Sun City, where hopefully we will see the "Big Five" game....rhino, cheeta, leapord, elephant and buffalo.  We plan to leave at 4 a.m. in hopes to see the animals before it gets too hot.
Apparently there is a huge palace to check out.  There is also goign to be a big golfing tournament that hoepfully we can steer clear of.  I thnk we are just going for the day because staying over night would be super expensive.
Monday I think we are going to check out the Crescent of Civilization where they found the oldest skeleton and then a lion park with baby lions.
The country is very backwards, in terms of poilcy and mentality.  I will explain more, but its quite facinating how the white Afrikaaners and black Africans live amongst each other.  None of it makes any sense.
I am still in shock that I am here!!!

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