Wednesday, June 10, 2009


It's been a hard but good week at school...some days are just really tough in language class.  My vocabulary needs serious work but I seem to do well with grammar and verbs.  Next week is midterms already and holy buckets I have to study.

Tomorrow is a big festival day for Madrid and other which I still have yet to know exactly why, but I do know I don't have school tomorrow and no one works, except for restaurants etc... This weekend I may go to Granada and see the Alhambra, Katherine Lundgred has offered for me to come stay with her, so we shall see.

Oh a happier note, we are moving into a new apartment on Friday, one that is hopefully free of cockroaches.  I will update on how it is.

Today my Spanish teacher said she taught in Reno for a semester in 2001 and didn't necessarily like Reno, but she did remember the best pizza she has ever had at Pub and Sub...when she said that I flipped and was delighted to hear about a bit of home.

Last night I saw the flamenco/ballet performance of Carmen....and pretty much left speechless and breathless.  I have never seem Flamenco before and I have fallen in love...I want to be a Flamenco dancer.  It sounds so cliche but the passion and the emotion exerted is unlike anything I have ever seen, not to mention the physical fitness.  Everyone needs to look up Flamenco on YouTube and see it.  So pretty much I think I am going to go see it again.  Not to mention the comfortable feeling I felt being in the just made me so happy.

Thats all for today, tonight I am meeting my intercambio Beatriz who lives here.  We are meeting at Starbucks, which who by the way charges 4 euros for a tall frapachino.  

Take care!

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